Resources for your joyful flute journey.
Free downloads, warm-up exercises, links, and resources to inspire your flute practice.

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The Effortless Low Register Warm-Up
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Practice Trackers
The Priorities Flute Tone
Scale Game Tracker
Free Video Lessons:
Improve with me on YouTube
Body Mapping for Flutists: What Every Flute Teacher Needs to Know About the Body by Lea Pearson
What Every Musician Needs to Know About the Body by Barbara Conable
What Every Musician Needs to Know About the Body (Revised Edition) by Bridget Jankowski
The Structures and Movement of Breathing by Barbara Conable
How to Learn the Alexander Technique by Barbara Conable
The Use of the Self by F.M. Alexander
Awareness Through Movement by Moshe Feldenkrais
Just Play Naturally by Vivien Mackie
Indirect Procedures: A Musician's Guide to the Alexander Technique by by Pedro de Alcantara
The Inner Game of Music by Barry Green and Timothy Gallwey
The Inner Game of Tennis by Timothy Gallwey
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Six Weeks to Finals by Sharon Sparrow
Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise by K. Anders Ericsson
The Art of Practicing: A Guide to Making Music from the Heart by Madeline Bruser
Golf is Not a Game of Perfect by Dr. Bob Rotella
The Aspiring Flutist’s Practice Companion by Dr. Terri Sánchez
Audition Success by Don Greene
Performance Success by Don Greene
The Mastery of Music: Ten Pathways to True Artistry by Barry Green
The Simple Flute by Michel Debost
Kincaidiana: A Flute Player's Notebook by John C. Krell
Marcel Moyse: Voice of the Flute by Ann McCutchan
Music And The Flute: Thomas Nyfenger
The Gilbert Legacy by Angeleita Floyd
Flutist's Handbook: A Pedagogy Anthology (NFA, Vol. 1 & 2)
On Playing the Flute by J.J. Quantz
The Flute by Ardal Powell
Principes de la flûte traversière, de la flûte à bec, et du hautbois by Jacques Hotteterre
The Flute Book by Nancy Toff
Flute 101: Mastering the Basics, Phyllis Avidan Louke & Patricia George
40 Little Pieces In Progressive Order For Beginner Flutists
Rubank Elementary Method
Selected Duets for Flute: Volume 1 - Easy to Medium (Rubank Educational Library)
Rubank Intermediate Method
Concert and Contest Collection, Voxman
Classic Festival Solos for Flute, Alfred Publishing, Vol. 1-2
Melodious and Progressive Studies, Cavally
Cavally 24 Short Concert Pieces
Selected Duets for Flute: Volume 1 - Advanced (Rubank Educational Library)
Mary Karen Clary Etude Book (TMEA)
Twenty-Four Flute Concert Studies, Southern Music
E. Kohler: Romantic Etudes, Op. 66
Berbiguier: Eighteen Exercises or Etudes for Flute
Flute Music by French Composers
Jeanne Baxtresser: Orchestral Excerpts for Flute
W. Kujala: Orchestral Techniques for Flute and Piccolo
C.P.E. Bach, Sonata in A minor for Solo Flute
C.P.E. Bach, Concerto in D minor
J.S. Bach, Partita for Solo Flute
J.S. Bach, Sonatas
G.F. Handel, Sonatas
M. Marais, Les Folies d’Espagne for Solo Flute
J.J. Quantz, Concerto in G Major
G.P. Telemann, Fantasias for Solo Flute
G.P. Telemann, Methodical Sonatas
G.P. Telemann, Suite in A minor
F. Devienne, Sonatas
C.W. Gluck, Minuet and Dance of the Blessed Spirits
W.A. Mozart, Concerto in D Major
W.A. Mozart Concerto in G Major
W.A. Mozart, Concerto C Major for Flute and Harp
W.A. Mozart, Andante in C & Rondo in D
C. Stamitz, Concerto in G Major
Romantic & French:
E. Bozza, Image for Solo Flute
A. Caplet, Rêverie et Petite Valse
F. Doppler, Hungarian Pastoral Fantasie
G. Enesco, Cantabile et Presto
G. Fauré, Fantasie
G. Fauré, Morceau de Concours
L. Ganne, Andante and Scherzo
P. Gaubert, Madrigal
P. Gaubert, Nocturne et Allegro Scherzando
P. Gaubert, Sicilienne
B. Godard, Suite Op. 116
J. Ibert, Piéce for Solo Flute
F. Kuhlau, Six Divertissements
F. Kuhlau, Variations on "The Last Rose of Summer”
J. Mouquet, La Flute de Pan
C. Reinecke, Sonata “Undine”
C. Saint-Saëns, Airs de Ballet d'Ascanio
Contemporary / 20th Century:
R. Aitken, Icicle for solo flute
S. Barber, Canzone
R.R. Bennett, Summer Music
M. Bonis, Sonata for Flute and Piano
E. Brown, Trillium for solo flute
E. Burton, Sonatina
I. Clarke, Orange Dawn
I. Clarke, Sunstreams and Sunday Morning
I. Clarke, The Great Train Race for solo flute
I. Clarke, Zoom Tube for solo flute
V. Coleman, Danza de la Mariposa for solo flute
V. Coleman, Fanmi Imèn
A. Copland, Duo for Flute and Piano
C. Chaminade, Concertino
C. Debussy, Syrinx for solo flute
R. Dick, Fish Are Jumping, Lookout
P.O. Ferroud, Trois pièces for solo flute
K. Fukushima, Mei
C.T. Griffes, Poem
A. Hailstork, Flute Set for Solo Flute
P. Hindemith, Sonata
A. Honegger, Danse de la Chèvre for solo flute
K. Hoover, Kokopeli for solo flute
K. Hoover, Winter Spirits for solo flute
A. Loggins-Hull, Homeland for solo flute
F. Martin, Ballade
F. Poulenc, Sonata
S. Ran, East Wind for solo flute
A. Rozman, Autumn in Homeland
J. Rutter, Suite Antique
G. Schocker, Regrets and Resolutions
O. Taktakishvili, Sonata
E. Varèse, Density 21.5 for solo flute
C. Yi, Memory for solo flute
Altès: 26 Selected Studies for the Flute
Andersen: Op. 37 26 Little Caprices
Andersen: Op.33 Twenty-four Etudes
Andersen: Op.15 24 Etudes for Flute
Berbiguier: 18 Exercises or Etudes for Flute
Boehm: 24 Caprices-etudes, Op.26
Robert Dick: Flying Lessons I
Donjon: 8 Etudes de Salon
Katherine Hoover: Etudes
L. Hugues: 40 Studies, Op. 101
Jean-Jean: Etudes modernes
Karg-Elert: 30 Caprices for Flute Solo, Op.107
E. Kohler: Op. 33 (Books 1-3)
E. Kohler: Op. 66 Romantic Etudes
Wil Offermans: For the Contemporary Flutist (12 Studies)
Piazzolla, Tango Etudes
P. Bernold, La Technique d'Embouchure
P. Bernold, Le Souffle, le son (The Wind, the Sound)
Kathy Blocki: Planning to Play in Tune
Robert Dick, Tone Development Through Extended Techniques
Paul Edmund-Davies: The 28-Day Warm-Up Book
Thomas J. Filas: Top Register Studies for Flute (90 Melodious Studies)
Patricia George: The Flute Scale Book
Patricia George: The Top Octave Book
Geoffrey Gilbert: Technical Flexibility for Flutists
M. Moyse: De La Sonorite, Etudes et Exercices Techniques, and 20 Exercises et Etudes
Reichert: 7 Daily Exercises
Taffanel and Gaubert: 17 Daily Exercises
F. Wilkinson, The Physical Flute
Trevor Wye: Practice Books for the Flute – Omnibus Edition (Books 1-6)
The Mazzanti Method: Daily Exercises for Piccolo
Peter’s Piccolo World (by Peter Verhoyen, Anke Lauwers, and Sarah Miller)
The Complete Piccolo - Jan Gippo
Orchestral Excerpts for Piccolo by Jack Wellbaum
Click Here to See My YouTube Playlists of Favorite Recordings and Instructional Videos
Favorite Recordings:
Eva Amsler: Fontensonaten der Bach-Sohne
Eva Amsler & Karl-Heinz Schütz: W.F. Bach, 6 Flute Duets
Julius Baker in Recital
Jeanne Baxtresser: A Collection of My Favorites
Jeanne Baxtresser Plays Taktakishvili, Martin, Gieseking, Gaubert, Amirov, and Debussy
William Bennett: Reinecke: "Undine" Concert Live At Nova Hall
Sharon Bezaly: Great Works for Flute & Orchestra
Boston Symphony Chamber Players: 20th Century French Chamber Music
Boston Symphony Chamber Players: Mozart Chamber Music for Winds
Hélène Boulègue Jolivet Complete Works (Vol. 1 & 2)
Denis Bouriakov: Bach, Sibelius, and Saint-Saens
Jasmine Choi: Claude Bolling Suite for Flute & Jazz Trio
Ian Clarke: Within…
Marianne Gedigian: Voice of the Flute
Gergely Ittzés: Late Romantic Impressions by Sigrid Karg-Elert
Barthold Kuijken: The Artistry of Barthold Kuijken
Susan Milan: Virtuoso French Flute Repertoire
Emmanuel Pahud: Bach: Complete Flute Sonatas
Emmanuel Pahud: Mozart: Flute Concertos
Emmanuel Pahud: Paris
Marina Piccinini, Brasil Guitar Duo: Bach Flute Sonatas
Marina Piccinini: Flute Recital: Paris, Belle Epoque
Marina Piccinini: 24 Caprices
Amy Porter: American Art
Amy Porter: Passacaglia
Paula Robison: Borne: Carmen Fantasy
Gary Schocker: Regrets and Resolutions
Karl-Heinz Schütz: Flöten Perspektiven
Karl-Heinz Schütz: Prokofiev Sonata, Op. 94
Karl-Heinz Schütz: Liebermann Concerto
Mark Sparks: French Album
Mark Sparks: Mark Sparks
Alexa Still: Carl Vine: Sonata for Flute
Alexa Still: Flute
Alexa Still: William Grant Still
Peggy Vagts: Persistence, Works by Women, 1850-1950
Donald Zook: The Last Rose of Summer
- - Flutistry Boston & Florida - Flute World, Michigan and San Francisco - Carolyn Nussbaum, Plano, Texas - Music & Arts, Austin Locations - Strait Music, Austin Locations - Amazon
- - Official Website of Andover Educators - The Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education - The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique - Dr. Lea Pearson, Andover Educator, Flutist - Dr. Amy Likar, Andover Educator, Flutist - Steven Brennfleck, Alexander Technique for the Arts (Austin)
- - The Cinematic Symphony, Austin-Based Ensemble - Flute Workshops in Texas and Beyond - Austin Flute Society - Austin Symphony Orchestra - The Long Center for the Performing Arts, Austin - Texas Flute Society - UT Austin Butler School of Music Events Calendar - Texas Music Educators Association
- - Terri Sánchez, Flutist and Teacher - Practice & Performance Articles by Noa Kageyama
Eva Amsler - Eva Amsler, Flutist and Teacher
Amy Porter - Amy Porter, Flutist and Teacher
Helen Blackburn (Super Duper Zen Yoga Warm-Ups) - Flute Talk Archives - National Flute Association, The Flutist Quarterly Magazine
Korg TM-60 Tuner/Metronome
Boss DB-60 Dr. Beat Metronome
Modacity Practice App
Tonal Energy Tuner App
Soundbrenner Metronome & App
Beaumont Cleaning Cloths, Interior Swabs, and Bags
FluterScooter Flute Bags
- - Petrucci Music Library - Flute Tunes - NY Philharmonic Digital Archives

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