Quick Tip: Resonance While Double Tonguing

If your double tonguing tends to sound dry, "closed off," or prone to cracking, especially during larger leaps, try these steps to maintain resonance.

Answer These Questions First:

  • Do I begin with space in the mouth?

  • Do I end with the same feeling?

  • If not, where do I lose the space?

Uncover the specific moments when you lose quality of sound.

In my example above (from Day 2 of #100daysofpractice on Instagram), I discovered that the lower notes were cracking due to a closing feeling within the mouth. I slowed the section down and turned to slurring and breath accents to improve consistency in the sound.

4 Ways to Encourage Resonance

1. Slur

Always slur before double tonguing, and do so slowly to feel constant space in the mouth. Remind to use an "ahh" or "aww" vowel shape for the space between larger intervals and stretch your most beautiful tone throughout the line. 

2. Sing and Play

Sing and Play or Flutter Tongue the line slowly start up your support engine!

3. Breath Accents

Try Breath Accents, or a"HA" articulation with no tongue. These are often less forgiving and will crack if space isn’t sufficient. 

4. Back-of-the-Tongue Syllables

Add a "K" or "G" to your breath accent. Typically, this weaker syllable lacks the same resonant quality we know how to produce with a "T" or "D" syllable. Take the time to associate "K/G" with a ringing sound!

Now, add back your double tonguing!

  • Remember that inhibiting the closing feeling in the mouth requires a conscious reminder to instead open and sing from note to note!
  • Use a whoosh of air and trust in the openness throughout the line to keep each note resonant.

WANT MORE Tips on Double-Tonguing? Check Out These Posts!


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